What is the importance of exploring our relationship with technology?
Check out these pages for more information about each area of human-technology interaction
Attention : Identity : Well-Being
General Articles
℘ From NPR’s blog: “Bored…And Brilliant? A Challenge to Disconnect From Your Phone”
℘ From Buzzfeed Life: “22 Ways to Break Up with Your Cell Phone” by Carolyn Kylstra
℘ From TechRepublic: “Five Apps to Help You Unplug for the Holidays“
℘ From WNYC’s New Tech City Blog: “18 Places You Can Survive Without Your Phone“
℘ From SF Gate: Apps to Help You Unplug on National Day of Unplugging
℘ From Brit + Co: “9 Apps and Gadgets that Can Actually Help You Digitally Detox”
℘ From CCTV America: “New Apps Help Excessive Internet Users Disconnect“
℘ From the New Republic: “The Mindfulness Racket“
℘ From Likeable Media: “Looking to Start a Digital Detox? There’s an App for That”
℘ From the Wall Street Journal: “To Unplug on Vacation, Your Own Tech Can Help“
℘ From Fast Company: “The Creative Benefits of Taking Mini-Sabbaticals from All Your Various Screens”
℘ What Happened To Downtime? The Extinction of Deep Thinking & Sacred Space
℘ From NPR: “Why Teens are Impulsive, Addiction-Prone, and Should Protect their Brains”
℘ From Ecological Economics: “Mindfulness and Sustainability”
℘ From PBS Education Shift: “Why We Need To Teach Mindfulness in a Digital Age”
℘ From 60 Minutes: segment on Mindfulness with Anderson Cooper
℘ From Gwen Bell in the book, Focus, by Leo Babauta: “You will miss things. Unplugged or not, you’re missing something. Unplugging gives you perspective to decide what you don’t want to miss. Focus, by definition, means you choose one thing over another. You give your attention completely to the task at hand, not worrying that you’re missing something.”
℘ Mindfulness for Beginners: Reclaiming the Present Moment—and Your Life by Jon Kabat-Zinn.
℘ UO’s Student Sustainability Coalition Earth Week Facebook page
℘ UO Media Literacy: This is an open resource developed for the School of Journalism and Communication’s course (J412/512) on [New] Media Literacy.
℘ ESanity blog: This blog is written by Bill Kuechler, a professor of Information Systems at the University of Nevada, Reno.
℘ The Stolen Child Project: Singer/songwriter Loreena McKennitt’s project exploring the effects of technology on children.