Earth Day Events

Analog U

Try a day without devices.

The centerpiece of Analog U is the campus-wide invitation to take a tech holiday—to go completely analog on Earth Day, Friday, April 22. Join us in taking a tech holiday and set aside your devices for a day or a portion of the day. Practice yoga, meditation, of qigong. Learn more about the impact technology use has on our abilities to learn, interact, and be present. Join us on Collier Lawn on Friday.

April 22: Schedule of Events

10 a.m.–3 p.m Ongoing activities include gardening with the Student Sustainability Center; Analog Twitter and Pinterest, where you can create reflections about giving up technology and leave inspirational pieces; and postcard writing

10–11 a.m. Meditation with Arian Mobasser of the Developmental Social Neuroscience lab. Try a guided practice of focused attention on the present moment. No experience needed.

10 a.m.–2 p.m. Crafts with Library staff: Make book jackets and buttons

11–11:30 a.m. Dragon & Tiger Qigong

12–12:30 p.m. Taiji

1–1:30 p.m. Meditation with Arian Mobasser. Try a guided practice of focused attention on the present moment. No experience needed.

2–3:00 p.m. Meditation with Jenny Tatome